Wednesday, November 11, 2009

chic for cheap

creature comforts is lovely for oh so many reasons. sometimes i just like to visit there to swim in the pretty colors. but my favorite are her "chic for cheap"s. my wardrobe consists of jeans, tshirts, and a pair of beaten up pumas. "dressing up" is putting on something other than my pumas. my last job was cool with the jeans and tshirt thing so that only encouraged my bummy tendencies. if my next job requires business casual i'm in deep trouble. i'll say it, i'm boring and unfashionable and maybe even frumpy. i know it hurts the eyes of my trendy friends. sorry friends! Ez (pronounced Ee-zee) puts together the cutest, most comfy looking outfits and they're all for reasonable human budgets. it's fun to see how a piece of art or even a photo of a room can be translated into an outfit that i'd actually wear (have you seen what's in magazines these days?!) the one i put below is one of my favs (click the image to go straight to the actual post) please keep them coming Ez!

pst! Ez also shared where you can put together fancy shmancy fashion design boards just like hers.
visit polyvore and let the fun begin!

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